Tuesday, December 3, 2013

There's More!!

Did you like the book? If you did, there's more!!
Kiera Cass has written The Elite the second book in the series, two novellas from Prince Maxon's pov and Aspen's pov, and The One comes out in May! Check out all these awesome books!
Also visit Kiera Cass's website, there are some awesome answers to questions about her books on the faq page. 

Nice work Mrs. Cass. . .

What an ending!? 
Since the last time we visited America: Aspen reappeared, things with her and Prince Maxon heated up, America made Prince Maxon more aware of situations for the lower castes in his country, there were more (and worse) attacks on the palace, girls left, girls got sent home, Aspen proclaimed he still loved America,  America is part of the Elite, and the story ends. WHAT?! That was the reaction that I had. 
What do you all think about what happened leading up to the end? I'm sure most of you are rooting for America to the Queen, but is there someone else you are rooting for? What's your idea about Aspen coming back into the story? Are you on Team Aspen or Team Maxon?

A New History Lesson

Re-read Chapter 17 pages 208-211. What do you think of that new history lesson? Do you find it ironic that Kiera Cass has the Chinese take over the United States? I mean there is already talk of how America is quite a bit of debt to them. Within this fiction book, is Cass making a political statement of sorts?
What do you think of the relationships that America has made?
She has the most unique relationship with Prince Maxon. What category would you put their relationship in, brother-sister, friends, or dating? Explain your reasoning.
What do you make of America's relationships with her maids? Why does this help her look like a better Queen?
Give me an overall impression so far. What do you think?

Talk about Change!

What have you thought so far? Has America experienced enough changes yet?
Let's recap what she's gone through so far:
America thought Aspen was going to propose...
He broke up with her...
She was Selected...
Her life was never going to be the same, even if she does not become Queen...
She is a three at the lowest now...
She is told to not refuse Prince Maxon anything...
She leaves home....for the first ever...
She is given a forced makeover...
She has maids (something that before this she was just a step up from)...
and she has to deal with other girls and the problems that brings.

Whooooo, that poor girl! What do you think of her reactions so far? Would you react the same way? Would some of your reactions be the same, but other's different. Share how you think you would react to all this change.

Hunger Games meets The Bachelor?

What does that title make you think? Can a good book incorporate parts of both The Hunger Games and The Bachelor?

The Selection by Kiera Cass does just that! Follow the journey of 35 women as they compete for the affections of the Prince and crown of IllĂ©a. See this journey through the eyes of America, one of the women competing. Check out the book trailer by Harper Teen. This is the copy from the back of the book.
"The opportunity to be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon. 
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her, and leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. 
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she begins to realize that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined."
What do you think? Are you ready to sit on a throne, put your feet up, and start reading this book? Do you think this book will be interesting? Share! 

Dystopian Literature

There are many different types of literature to read. As a young adult, the genres are wide open and many are accessible to all. A newer (in the last 20 years) genre for young adults is dystopian literature. A dystopia is an imaginary futuristic world in which society lives under the oppression and control of a totalitarian government, a repressive society, a force of technology, or corrupt business corporation.
Some common dystopian literature currently includes:

  • The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
  • Uglies (Series) by Scott Westerfeld
  • The Hunger Games (Series) by Suzanne Collins
  • Divergent by Veronica Roth
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  • Anthem by Ayn Rand 
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Dystopian literature is not a new type of literature. Starting in the 1930s and following, dystopian literature became a powerful way for American writers to criticize communism and socialism.
Some of the most powerful novels from this time include:

In 1993 (the year Miss Schwartz was born!...yikes that's old) Lois Lowry published The Giver. This book opened the floodgates for dystopian literature for young adults.

 Have you read any dystopian literature before?
Check out this prezi about dystopian literature. What do you think of dystopian literature?